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- Saddlebag Speaker Lids are made by injected ABS Plastic for more precise fitting and smooth surface
- Protect your saddlebags from boot scuffs, stone chips and road debris, the passenger can’t scratch the tops of your saddle bags anymore
- Speaker Grilles, place loudspeakers according to personal preferences and direct the sound forward toward the rider and passenger
- Condition: 100% Branded New & High Quality
- Type:8″ Speaker/ Tweeter Lids
- Color: Glossy Black
- Material: Made with ABS Molding Plastic for Smooth Surface
- Fits for 2014-2023 Harley Davidson Touring Models Saddlebags
- For Harley Road Glide 2014-2023
- For Harley Road King 2014-2023
- For Harley Electra Glide 2014-2023
- For Harley Street Glide 2014-2023
- For Harley Ultra Classic 2014-2023
- No speakers included with this listing
- Holes are pre-drilled for easier installation
- No instruction included
- 1 Pair Left & Right Saddlebags Spea
- 2 ABS plastic Color matching Grills
- 2 Rubber Gaskets
We do everything we can to ship your orders out as soon as possible. Basically orders are shipped out in 1 business day. To ensure orders can be delivered to you without any problem, your complete and correct physical shipping address should be provided when you check out.
If buyer provides wrong address and the package returned to sender at last, buyer should pay for reshipping fee to resend the item to new address. If refund is required, we will only refund 90% of the item price because shipping cost should be deducted from the refund total.Thanks for your understanding.
If you don’t have a Paypal account, it is very convenient to sign up and learn more about PayPal at www.PayPal.com.
Payment is expected within 7 days of auction closed. Your prompt payment will be greatly appreciated. Unpaid Items will be forfeited per eBay Policies.
Buyer is responsible for return shipping cost. After returned item is received and confirmed in good/re-sellable condition, we will exchange the item or issue refund according to customer’s option. 20% restocking fee may apply if returned item is not packed well or returned in bad condition. The refund will be issued through PayPal and the funds should go back to the account which you use to pay for order.
For defective or damaged item, please contact us and provide as much problem details as possible, we will consider to waive return and ship replacement item or issue full refund to you directly after problem is confirmed.
- Saddlebag Speaker Lids are made by injected ABS Plastic for more precise fitting and smooth surface
- Protect your saddlebags from boot scuffs, stone chips and road debris, the passenger can’t scratch the tops of your saddle bags anymore
- Speaker Grilles, place loudspeakers according to personal preferences and direct the sound forward toward the rider and passenger
- Condition: 100% Branded New & High Quality
- Type:8″ Speaker/ Tweeter Lids
- Color: Glossy Black
- Material: Made with ABS Molding Plastic for Smooth Surface
- Fits for 2014-2023 Harley Davidson Touring Models Saddlebags
- For Harley Road Glide 2014-2023
- For Harley Road King 2014-2023
- For Harley Electra Glide 2014-2023
- For Harley Street Glide 2014-2023
- For Harley Ultra Classic 2014-2023
- No speakers included with this listing
- Holes are pre-drilled for easier installation
- No instruction included
- 1 Pair Left & Right Saddlebags Spea
- 2 ABS plastic Color matching Grills
- 2 Rubber Gaskets
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