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F&R Seal Wear Sleeve Installer for Detroit:
Great Compatibility – Works on Detroit Diesel Series 60 and two Cycle 92 engines.
Functional Use – Used to install the front and rear crankshaft wear sleeves and seals, eliminating lip flare on the wear sleeve and installing the seals properly without any leakage, which saves you a lot of trouble during work.
Premium Material – Features top high quality CNC solid steel construction with a slick black finish, durable and anti corrosion, repeatedly tested and gradually optimized to ensure its excellent performance and lasting service time.
Direct Replacement – Alternative to J-35686 & J-35686-A & #J-35686-B, widely used on multiple seal & wear sleeve assemblies including 23516969, 23513578, 23513485, 23518355.
Fitment:For Detroit Diesel Series 60 J-35686-B
Install the oil sleeve as follows:
1.Install the two guide studs, J 35686-2 , through the holes provided in the base, J 35686-1 and into two of the tapped holes in the crankshaft, 180° apart. Tighten the guide studs using the appropriate wrench on the flats of the studs. The base must be tight against the end of the crankshaft.
2.For rear crankshaft oil seal installations only, install spacer J 35686-11 , to the center screw of the base
3.Install the rear housing and adapter ring with seal and sleeve assembly in place on the guide studs.
4.Install the thrust bearing tool with the case side toward the installer housing. Install the hex nut to the center screw of the base.
5.Tighten the hex nut by hand until all the slack is taken up. Use a ratchet and socket to tighten the hex nut, and install the wear sleeve to the crankshaft and the oil seal to the flywheel housing and/or gear case cover
6.When the inside surface of the housing is seated against the base (or spacers on rear oil seal installation), the seal and sleeve are properly positioned and installed.
Front Seal & Wear Sleeve Remover & Installer 4918991 for Cummins ISX12 and ISX15:
Direct Replacement: Replace part numbers 4918991
Fitment: Fit for Cummins ISX12 and ISX15 with single overhead cam
High Quality: Machined from heavy duty steel with excellent mechanical and physical properties,
this Installer Tool is good in corrosion resistance and durability
Application: Used for installation and removal of front crankshaft seal and wear sleeve without damaging the seal,
it credibly prevents the seal from leaking
Features: Simple to use, impossible to mess up, and well built.
Package Includes:
Front & Rear Crankshaft Seal & Wear Sleeve Installer Tool & Seal Tool & Wear Sleeve Remover & Installer Tool
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Item Specifics | |
Brand | coolgood18 |
Manufacturer Part Number | CG799848LD |
Type | Crank Seal Installer |
Manufacturer Warranty | 1 Year |
Custom Bundle | No |
Warranty | 1 Year |
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Shop Category
F&R Seal Wear Sleeve Installer for Detroit+Seal&Wear Sleeve Remover for Cummins
F&R Seal Wear Sleeve Installer for Detroit:
Great Compatibility – Works on Detroit Diesel Series 60 and two Cycle 92 engines.
Fitment:For Detroit Diesel Series 60 J-35686-B
Install the oil sleeve as follows:
Front Seal & Wear Sleeve Remover & Installer 4918991 for Cummins ISX12 and ISX15:
Direct Replacement: Replace part numbers 4918991
Fitment: Fit for Cummins ISX12 and ISX15 with single overhead cam
High Quality: Machined from heavy duty steel with excellent mechanical and physical properties, this Installer Tool is good in corrosion resistance and durability it credibly prevents the seal from leaking
Package Includes: Payment
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