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【BE UNIQUE, BE YOURSELF.】Handmo softail true dual exhaust with fishtail pipes will make your bike stand out.
【BIG DIFFERENCE IN THE VOICE AND WORKING RESULT.】Your bike will get great compliments for its eye-catching appearance and head-turning voice.
【LESS HEAT, MORE FUN.】These true dual exhaust systems for Harley Softail reduce a large amount of temperature generated by the engine. More comfortable riding.
【1/2 COST FOR A SOLID AND QUALITY MADE PRODUCT.】A reasonable price for good quality. No overpay for a big name.
【INSTALLATION WILL BE A BREEZE.】It is easy to install separated head pipes with all essential hardware included.
1. Great and unique voice.
2. Quality=OEM or BIG BRANDS.
3. Cost= 1/2 OEM or BIG BRANDS.
Softail Night Train (EFI) FXSTB: 2007-2008
Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC: 2009-2017
Softail Heritage Classic (EFI) FLSTC: 2007-2008
Softail Springer Classic FLSTSC/ (EFI) FLSTSC: 2007
Softail Springer CVO/SE FXSTSSE 3: 2009
Softail Springer CVO/SE (EFI) FXSTSSE/2: 2007-2008
Softail Blackline FXS: 2011-2013
Softail Breakout FXSB: 2013-2017
Softail Breakout CVO/SE FXSBSE: 2013-2014
Softail Convertible CVO/SE FLSTSE/2/3: 2010-2012
Softail Cross Bones FLSTSB/ (EFI) FLSTSB: 2008-2011
Softail Custom FXSTC/ (EFI) FXSTC: 2007-2010
Softail Deluxe FLSTN / (EFI) FLSTN: 2007-2017
Softail Deluxe CVO/SE FLSTNSE: 2014-2015
Softail Deuce FXSTD/(EFI) FXSTD: 2007
Softail Fat Boy FLSTF /(EFI) FLSTF: 2007-2017
Softail Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB: 2010-2016
Softail Fat Boy S FLSTFBS: 2016-2017
Softail Rocker C (EFI) FXCWC/ FXCW: 2008–2009
Softail Standard FXST/ (EFI) FXST: 2007
Please Note:
If you are buying from outside of USA, please pay attention of the potential import charges you'll need to pay when you receive the item. Buyer should pay all import duty and charge to custom.
SHARKROAD products are warranted for one year against defects in material and workmanship. This warranty does not cover chrome discoloration or rust. Also SHARKROAD will not warranty any abused, misused, improperly installed or modified system.
SHARKROAD is a motorcycle exhaust and handlebars brand which focus on Harley Davidson and Indian Motorcycle aftermarket parts. If you want to buy great quality parts in affordable cost, please subscribe us for new products and discount.
Your item(s) will be shipped in 1-3 Business days after your payment.
We’ll ship the item(s) to your eBay address. If you want to change a shipping address, please amend it before you pay for the item.
Your valid phone number is very important for the express shipping.
If you are buying from outside of USA, please pay attention of the potential import charges you'll need to pay when you receive the item. Buyer should pay all import duty and charge to custom.
When you want to return, please contact us in 72 hours after received the product so we can help you out immediately. We only accept return in 30 days after your order. International Return is not acceptable.
For return shipping cost to our warehouse, If the product have quality or shipping damage issue, We will send you shipping label or pay the cost after you send out. If you don’t like the product or buy by mistake, Buyer should stand this shipping cost.
Your item(s) will be shipped in 2 Business days after your payment is cleared.
We will ship the item(s) to your eBay address. If you want to change a shipping address, please amend it before you pay for the item.
Just for reference, please confirm the product if it matches your bike before you purchase.
Your valid phone number is very necessary for the shipping,otherwise we can't guarantee that the package would safely arrive.
Any Customs tax applied to this package should be covered by buyers.
We accept returns only if the item was not same as description.
We only accept return in 30 days after received.
Shipping cost are the responsibility of the buyer for items returned because you don't like it or because it was not what you thought.
What you returned must be new, unused and in the original packaging as received.
We don't accept international return.
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