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IMPORTANT Please read the “GENERAL INFORMATION” section on the bottom of the page before purchase.
※4の場合 –>
10 | Brand New |
9 | Almost New |
8 | Excellent Condition, barely used |
7 | Great condition, slightly used |
6 | Fair condition, used |
5 | Poor condition, obviously used and / or has minor problems |
4 | Poor condition, obviously used and / or has problems |
[Outside] overall : several scratches / obviously worn / small di rt marks / slightly color changed[ The leather is tanned ] / slig htly deformed / metal coating on hardware peeled off main opening : defects on metal hardware [hard to open] back side : obvious c olor change overall [Inside] overall : obvious dirt marks [Note] body : smell of perfume / Accessory has damages[ The product is l oosing its shape / There are frictions / There are cracks ]
Product Name | Pochette Felicie |
Style | Other Style Wallet |
Serial | |
DateCode / Stamp | |
Line | Damier |
Color | Azur |
Actual Colors may slightly differ depending on your PC monitor and lighting environment. |
Material | Damier Azur Canvas |
Accessories | Box,Dust Bag,Flat Pocket (Credit card pocket x8) |
Note | |
Other | [ Other item specifics ] [ Size ] [ Measurements ]
Other item specifics | |
Size | |
Measurements | |
Note. |
Design |
- Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.
- These charges are the buyer’s responsibility even if the item being returned to us.
- Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs would be prior to purchase.
- The charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up -do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.
- We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as “gifts” as prohibited by US and other government regulations.-US and International government regulations.
- We accept all forms of PayPal payment.
- (American Express, Discover, eCheck, MasterCard, Visa and PayPal transfers)
- We require immediate payment for all of our items.
- You can submit an offer for items that have a Make Offer button only.
- eBay will automatically cancel the transaction if an item is still awaiting payment 4 days after the offer is accepted.
- Contact us in advance if it will take you more than 4 days to complete your payment.
- We DO NOT accept: installment plans (layaway)
- We DO NOT accept: transactions outside of eBay
- Service: DHL / FedEx
- We will be shipping most items via DHL.
- Please note that we will be shipping accessories and watches via FedEx to countries other than the US.
- Also we will ship items which is more than approx $3700 via FedEx to all countries.
- We DO NOT accept:requests of shipping carriers.
- If the item you received has some problems, please contact us with your reason within 30 days from the day you received it.
- We will respond with instructions for returns and accept returns for money back.
- If the item is returned prior to our response, all taxes and shipping fees will unconditionally be borne by the buyer.
- Please allow us several days to complete the refund process.
- In order to avoid unnecessary returns, please read the product description and check the photos carefully, especially regarding the size and conditions.
- IMPORTANT : We cannot refund the import charges paid when receiving even if the item is being returned.
- Everything we sell is guaranteed authentic Our professional authenticators check every item multiple times before it is listed.
- We will guarantee you with full refund if you feel that you’ve purchased an inauthentic item.
- We have won the “Best Auction Store” Award for 8 consecutive years in Yahoo! Japan Auctions – Japan’s largest internet auction website.
- We establish and comply with a privacy policy based on the laws, ordinances and guidelines of Japan on the protection of personal information. In addition, with regard to the management of personal data for individuals within the regime of EU, we attempt to comply with requirements under EU General Data Protection.
- This is an honor award for achievements in best sales and reputations elected among over 20,000 stores.
- Monday – Saturday 6:00 PM through 3:00AM PST
- Due to time differences, please allow us some time to respond to messages.
- Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.
- These charges are the buyer’s responsibility even if the item being returned to us.
- Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs would be prior to purchase.
- The charges are normally collected by the delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up -do not confuse them for additional shipping charges.
- We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as “gifts” as prohibited by US and other government regulations.-US and International government regulations.
- We accept all forms of PayPal payment.
- (American Express, Discover, eCheck, MasterCard, Visa and PayPal transfers)
- We require immediate payment for all of our items.
- You can submit an offer for items that have a Make Offer button only.
- eBay will automatically cancel the transaction if an item is still awaiting payment 4 days after the offer is accepted.
- Contact us in advance if it will take you more than 4 days to complete your payment.
- We DO NOT accept: installment plans (layaway)
- We DO NOT accept: transactions outside of eBay
- Service: DHL / FedEx
- We will be shipping most items via DHL.
- Please note that we will be shipping accessories and watches via FedEx to countries other than the US.
- Also we will ship items which is more than approx $3700 via FedEx to all countries.
- We DO NOT accept:requests of shipping carriers.
- If the item you received has some problems, please contact us with your reason within 30 days from the day you received it.
- We will respond with instructions for returns and accept returns for money back.
- If the item is returned prior to our response, all taxes and shipping fees will unconditionally be borne by the buyer.
- Please allow us several days to complete the refund process.
- In order to avoid unnecessary returns, please read the product description and check the photos carefully, especially regarding the size and conditions.
- IMPORTANT : We cannot refund the import charges paid when receiving even if the item is being returned.
- Everything we sell is guaranteed authentic Our professional authenticators check every item multiple times before it is listed.
- We will guarantee you with full refund if you feel that you’ve purchased an inauthentic item.
- We have won the “Best Auction Store” Award for 8 consecutive years in Yahoo! Japan Auctions – Japan’s largest internet auction website.
- We establish and comply with a privacy policy based on the laws, ordinances and guidelines of Japan on the protection of personal information. In addition, with regard to the management of personal data for individuals within the regime of EU, we attempt to comply with requirements under EU General Data Protection.
- This is an honor award for achievements in best sales and reputations elected among over 20,000 stores.
- Monday – Saturday 6:00 PM through 3:00AM PST
- Due to time differences, please allow us some time to respond to messages.
click here to see more from our store
- M40156 Neverfull MM
- M41412 Keepall Bandouliere 60
- M41414 Keepall Bandouliere 55
- M41416 Keepall Bandouliere 50
- M41424 Keepall 55
- M41426 Keepall 50
- M41524 Speedy 35
- M41526 Speedy 30
- M42254 Saumur 35
- M42256 Saumur 30
- M51130 Alma
- M51135 Montsouris GM
- M51151 Cabas Mezzo
- M51154 Batignolles Horizontal
- M51242 Saint Cloud GM
- M51243 Saint Cloud MM
- N51105 Neverfull MM
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