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We weigh each item and charge a shipping fee only to cover the actual cost of shipping (and not the cost of labor and material). Our discounted rates are market competitive and are based on the weight, size and distance of the shipment. Please message us prior to purchasing if you find any erroneous fees that may prevent you from buying, and we will reweigh the item or send you an adjusted invoice. Alternatively you can take your time out and drive over for a local pickup.
Extra large items such as furniture that exceed USPS size/weight limits ship via LTL trucks. These are curbside deliveries that are shipped through common freight brokers and it may delay the departure and transit time as well as require a delivery appointment. If you need White Glove or any kind of special delivery service, please contact us right away. We will always tell you upfront of additional charges if any come up.
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Returns are normally processed within 24-48 hours from the date we receive it.
We understand that a product may need to be returned from time to time, therefore please Contact Us for a resolution.
Please allow 1 full business day to respond back to you prior to resending multiple messages or filing a complaint.
We stand 100% behind our products, service and shipments!
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