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Electric Shaver for New Philips Norelco Click&Style groom & style S738/82 w/ box
Get a smooth face, perfect stubble and a groomed body really easily with this 3-in-1 tool. It has three separate attachments: for shaving, trimming and grooming. Just choose the one you want, click it onto the handle and get going.
Product Identifiers:
Model: S738/82
Key Features:
One tool, any look
* 3-in-1 tool
* Shave, style & bodygroom
* 40 min shaving, 1 hour charge
* ComfortCut Blade System
* Choose between 3 click-on/off attachments to get your look
Click the attachment you need onto the handle to turn it into a razor, beard trimmer or bodygroom. For a smooth face, use the razor. Use the styler attachment for stubble or beard trimming. Use the bodygroom attachment for easy and safe body trimming and shaving.
* For extra skin protection, use with shaving cream
Shave wet with shaving cream for extra skin protection, or dry for convenience.
* Convenient and safe on skin
The dual rotary razor attachment is designed for an easy and clean shave with no nicks and cuts.
* Trim & style your beard with ease and precision
Create anything from perfect stubble to a neatly trimmed beard or mustache. Get creative and then just rinse under the tap to clean.
* Try different lengths to get the trim that suits you best
Choose from 5 length settings: 1mm for perfect 3-day stubble to 5mm for a short beard.
* Easy and safe body hair trimming and shaving
Rounded combs and pearlized tips prevent skin irritation for reliably smooth grooming all over your body.
* The handle and bodygroom attachment are water-resistant
Comfortably trim and shave all your body hair, under the shower if you prefer.
* Get up to 40 minutes of cordless power after a 1-hour charge
The powerful battery lasts up to 40 minutes after a 1-hour charge. A 5-minute charge gives you several minutes of running time , so you can quickly finish off.
* Battery light shows when battery is low, charging or full
The battery light goes on to show when the battery is low, charging or full.
* SmartClick system for easy click-on/off attachments
The SmartClick attachment system makes it easy to turn your Click&Style into a shaver, beard trimmer or bodygroom. Just click the attachment you need onto the handle to complete your style.
Package Included:
1*NEW Norelco S738 in retail package.
Please check pictures for more details.
SKU#FB.XG.455-HY Shipping weight: 1lb8oz(net 22oz)
x- Padded FR Envelope
1- Regional Box A
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