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Family Owned & Operated Since 1948
Milwaukee M18 Fuel Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit
The MILWAUKEE M18 FUEL Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit generates the fastest cuts, the power for demolition, and the lowest full tool vibration. The POWERSTATE Brushless Motor delivers 10,000 to 20,000 OPM with an aggressive 4.2-degree oscillation angle to deliver the fastest cuts over the competition. The cordless multi-tool also delivers the power to complete many demanding applications with ease, such as large cuts through hardwoods and nail embedded wood, pushing the limits of what a multipurpose oscillating tool can do. Vibration dampening technology delivers the lowest full tool vibration, making cuts more comfortably with less fatigue. REDLINK PLUS Intelligence achieves unmatched levels of performance, protection, and compatibility. The M18 REDLITHIUM XC5.0 battery delivers more work per charge than competitive batteries on the market when used with the multitool. The M18 FUEL Oscillating Multi-Tool has a 10-Setting Dial with an additional Auto-Load Feature, allowing users to adjust the speed to the application. An integrated 180-degree LED light provides maximum visibility in low-light situations. POWERSTATE Brushless Motor: Purposely built for the M18 FUEL Oscillating Multi-Tool combined with 10,000 to 20,000 OPM delivers fastest speed of cut REDLINK PLUS Intelligence: Most advanced system of electronics in the industry, enabling communication between batteries and tools, allowing for unmatched levels of performance, protection, and compatibility. REDLITHIUM Battery Pack: Superior pack construction, electronics, and performance deliver more work per charge and more work over pack lifespan than any battery on the market.
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