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1. APPLICATION: For John Deere 4045 Engines, 5075E & JD models (820 3cyl.) (830 3cyl.) 1020 1520 2020 2510 2520 1530 2030 2630 2040 2240, 2440 2640 2840 2940 2150 2350 2550 2750 2950 3150, 2155 2355 2555 2755 2955 3055 3155 3255 4030 (4050 w/359 engine only), 5200 5300 5400 5500 6100 6200 6300 6400 and many more AG & Industrial equipment using the 152 164 180 202 219 239 276 329 359 414 2.9L 3.9L 4.5L 5.9L 6.8L 3029 3039 4039 4045 6059 JD engines.
2. OEM no. ref.: Alternative to JT30040B / JT30040A, KCD10002A or ST-218. Supersedes JT30040.
3. FUNCTION: Designed to install standard flat housing rear seals # AR92893, AT22965, RE11036, RE17831, RE24959, RE35885, RE44574, DZ111672, RE524227, RE537070 and more.
4. BENEFITS: This tool set installs the Rear Main Seal to Perfect Depth Everytime. It avoids any damage and installs the seal properly. Prevent seal leakage.
5. HIGH QUALITY: Manufactured from quality steel, using top of the line machining and measuring equipment to ensure each part is manufactured to OEM specifications. Anodized black to protect them from all the dirt, oil, and grease that could potentially break down the tool quality.
6. PACKAGE INCLUDED: JT30040B Rear Crankshaft Seal Installer Tool Kit includes Top-Quality alternatives of JT30041A Locator & JT30042 Installer.
7. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Provide high-quality products and best service for customers. You can contact us if you are not satisfies with the product. We support 30 days full refund and 12 month's warranty.
Step To Step Installation:
Step 1
Install Pilot (1) on end of crankshaft using the allen head cap screws (2) and tighten.
Step 2
Place seal/wear sleeve assembly (A) over Pilot and crankshaft with open side of seal toward engine.
Step 3
Position Driver (3) so that hole in the crossplate goes over threaded stud of pilot. Install washer and nut (4) on stud.
Step 4
Tighten nut to draw Driver in until cross bar bottoms on Pilot. Remove the seal installer from engine. Seal have been correctly positioned.
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Item Specifics | |
Brand : | VSSHOP |
Manufacturer Part Number : | VSQP1791 |
Material : | Steel |
Warranty : | 1 Year |
Type : | Rear Crankshaft Seal Installer |
Color : | Black |
Models- : | 2155 2355 2555 2755 2955 3055 3155 3255 4030 4050 |
Series : | 152 164 180 202 219 239 276 329 359 414 2.9L 3.9L |
Models : | 5200 5300 5400 5500 6100 6200 6300 6400 |
Compatible Equipment Make : | John Deere |
Compatible Equipment Type : | Tractor |
Set or Single item : | Set |
1. Payment methods accepted: Payoneer. Our Payoneer account allows you to pay by credit card, debit card and your paypal balance.
2. All major credit cards are accepted through our secure payment processor Payoneer.
3. We ship items to Your Ebay address.Please make sure your Ebay address is correct before you pay, cause it cannot be changed once the order shipped out.
1. Item will be shipped out within 1-2 business day after clear payment received.
2. Please make sure shipping address on your Ebay account is correct & up-to-date.
3. All of our items are shipped from our US warehouse.
4. Please feel free to contact us by email if you cannot get your order in time.
Please read the shipment and payment detail carefully before you bid.
1. Return to us within 30 days from the delivery date for exchange or refund. Refund will be given as Money back or item exchange (buyer's choice).
2. Return shipping fee is the responsibility of buyer unless the return is a result of our mistake. And all non seller mistake returns for refund are subject to 20% re-stocking fee.
3. If you need return, please contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
Please contact us via ebay using"Contact member".
We will respond within 1 business day or less.Thank you for your understanding.
Our office hours is as below :
– 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (GMT +8) of Monday to Friday
– 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (GMT +8) of Saturday
And our office is closed on Sunday and public holidays (Hong Kong)
We apologize for the late reply during the holidays.Please contact us via ebay using"Contact member".
We will respond within 1 business day or less.
Please include your ebay item number or order number in all communications.
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Rear Main Seal Installer Tool JT30040B For John Deere 4045 202 219 239 329 359 414 Engine Rear Crankshaft Seal Installer Replace ST-218 JT30040
table#Attrid2702564 {border-collapse:separate}
1. APPLICATION: For John Deere 4045 Engines, 5075E & JD models (820 3cyl.) (830 3cyl.) 1020 1520 2020 2510 2520 1530 2030 2630 2040 2240, 2440 2640 2840 2940 2150 2350 2550 2750 2950 3150, 2155 2355 2555 2755 2955 3055 3155 3255 4030 (4050 w/359 engine only), 5200 5300 5400 5500 6100 6200 6300 6400 and many more AG & Industrial equipment using the 152 164 180 202 219 239 276 329 359 414 2.9L 3.9L 4.5L 5.9L 6.8L 3029 3039 4039 4045 6059 JD engines.
2. OEM no. ref.: Alternative to JT30040B / JT30040A, KCD10002A or ST-218. Supersedes JT30040.
3. FUNCTION: Designed to install standard flat housing rear seals # AR92893, AT22965, RE11036, RE17831, RE24959, RE35885, RE44574, DZ111672, RE524227, RE537070 and more.
4. BENEFITS: This tool set installs the Rear Main Seal to Perfect Depth Everytime. It avoids any damage and installs the seal properly. Prevent seal leakage.
5. HIGH QUALITY: Manufactured from quality steel, using top of the line machining and measuring equipment to ensure each part is manufactured to OEM specifications. Anodized black to protect them from all the dirt, oil, and grease that could potentially break down the tool quality.
6. PACKAGE INCLUDED: JT30040B Rear Crankshaft Seal Installer Tool Kit includes Top-Quality alternatives of JT30041A Locator & JT30042 Installer. 7. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Provide high-quality products and best service for customers. You can contact us if you are not satisfies with the product. We support 30 days full refund and 12 month's warranty.
Step To Step Installation:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
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2. Please make sure shipping address on your Ebay account is correct & up-to-date.
3. All of our items are shipped from our US warehouse.
4. Please feel free to contact us by email if you cannot get your order in time.
Please read the shipment and payment detail carefully before you bid.
1. Return to us within 30 days from the delivery date for exchange or refund. Refund will be given as Money back or item exchange (buyer's choice). 2. Return shipping fee is the responsibility of buyer unless the return is a result of our mistake. And all non seller mistake returns for refund are subject to 20% re-stocking fee. 3. If you need return, please contact our customer service representative, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation.
Please contact us via ebay using"Contact member". We will respond within 1 business day or less.Thank you for your understanding. Our office hours is as below :
– 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (GMT +8) of Monday to Friday
And our office is closed on Sunday and public holidays (Hong Kong) We will respond within 1 business day or less. Please include your ebay item number or order number in all communications. All right reserved.
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